Bremerton High School Knights on Tour

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$5,000 Goal

Knights on Tour (KOT) is a non-profit corporation, established in 2006, whose mission is to support the Bremerton High School Choir (BHSC) members by financially supplementing the budgeted amount that the Bremerton School District provides. Due to expenses involved in Choir activities, BHSC has needs in excess of what the school district can provide. It is through these activities that the BHSC receives training, critical evaluations, and is able to learn through the pressure of performance. 

It is through donations such as those received through the Kitsap Great Give, that Knights on Tour is able to sponsor a number of vocal music enrichment activities for Bremerton High School students. This past year, KOT has sponsored vocal scholarships. Once financial barriers are removed, students from a school district such as Bremerton - in which 60% of the students are on the Free and Reduced Cost Lunch Program - can compete on an even field with students from more affluent districts. KOT works diligently to remove those barriers, and to ensure that all students who have the interest and the aptitude for vocal music have the opportunity to reach their full potential.


Knights on Tour supports BHS choir students vocal music education.

Organization Data


Organization name

Bremerton High School Knights on Tour

Tax id (EIN)


Geography Served


Annual Revenue

Under $50,000

BIPOC Leadership

Board Chair, Board Members

BIPOC Serving

African American/Black, Asian or Asian American, Hispanic, Latino or Latinx, Middle Eastern or North African, Native American or American Indian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Multiracial


Arts & Culture, Education, Youth Development


PO BOX 3163


360 536 3812

Social Media