Building Links between Offices of emergency management, Childcare, and the community for Kids Safety
Why We Do What We Do
Children under the age of 6 spend an average of 35 hours a week in some sort of childcare arrangement. Over 5,000 children participate in some form of childcare program here in Kitsap County. We need to consider the real possibility that our children will not be at home with us when disaster strikes. Childcare providers (including the nanny or the babysitter) may be the first-responder. We owe it to them to train them to be able to succeed in that role; lives depend on it.
Your Support is Powerful
We offer free earthquake training and mitigation supplies (as well as installation) and we pride ourselves on our disaster preparedness training and certification programs.
BLOCKS is spear-heading a national coalition dedicated to building youth resilience to disaster and is partnering with state and federal government as well as local and national organizations to help ensure the needs of children are considered, and addressed, before, during, and after disaster.
We may not be able to prevent disaster, but we can help mitigate its effects and protect our nation's most valuable asset, its children.
Funds received from the Kitsap Great Give will help BLOCKS continue to expand our outreach into Kitsap childcare and head-start programs and the services and individuals that enable their care. Your help ensures we can continue to prepare children, and their caregivers, for disaster. Your donation really could help save lives.