Generous donors through the Kitsap Great Give campaign helped us place 20 women, 12 men and 8 children who were homeless or searching for affordable housing into safe and affordable homes. Thank you!!
Your donations helped us secure a long term lease for this house in January 2023 and it is currently being occupied by two families!
We were also able to perform maintenance and repairs in the 3 houses which currently houses 8 women and 3 children.
Networking with local churches and organizations has provided Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets and Christmas toys to the children through Adventure of Faith Church and the Santa's Cause Ministries.
We continue to work in collaboration and partnership with other nonprofit organizations, churches, individuals and businesses in Kitsap County, especially those actively involved in the Kitsap Homes of Compassion, Project Share Coalition and Northwest Hospitality, who share the same mission to end homelessness in our community.
We were instrumental in opening Kitsap Homes of Compassion’s first men’s and first women’s shared homes in Port Orchard. https://kitsaphoc.org/
We are one of the inaugural members of the Project Share Coalition, a cooperation of several nonprofits, individuals, local government and faith based organizations to end homelessness in the South Kitsap region.
We conduct fundraising
efforts, recruit volunteers, raise awareness, offer prayers, and identify prospective tenants who are compatible in living in a shared home environment.
Our organization does not have any paid employees and is fully operated by volunteer members of the Board of Directors who give of their time and resources. Our overhead and administrative costs are minimal, so that we are able to provide over 98% of all donations directly to the cause of housing people.
Our Board members and volunteers have participated in:
Kitsap Homes of Compassion as House Managers and Advocates in supportive shared homes https://kitsaphoc.org/
South Kitsap Community Rummage Sale to help fund the shared homes in Port Orchard.
Adventure of Faith Church Emmanuel’s Clothes Closet offering free clothing to the community https://www.faithadventure.com/
Capital Christian Church’s Warming Center operated by Isaiah’s FAST, a foundation with a mission to meet people where they are and provide clothing, food, assistance and a place to be welcome, safe and rest within our community. https://www.facebook.com/Isaiahs-FAST-1207594209379586/
Severe Weather Shelters operated by the Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management https://www.kitsapgov.com/hs/Pages/HH-Severe-Weather-Shelters.aspx
Helped build tiny homes through Homes for All Kitsap County, that will be used in the Tiny Homes Village in the future.

Our immediate goal is to lease, renovate, furnish and open another women’s shared home in the South Kitsap region to house 4-6 more women (children).

What’s in a name? OHannah House Ministries
`Ohana in Hawai'ian means ‘family’. 
Hannah in Hebrew (חַנָּה) is derived from the meaning 'favor' or 'grace'. The Oxford A Dictionary of First Names attributes the name to a word meaning 'He (God) has favored me (with a child)'. Hannah's story can be found in an ancient Hebrew manuscript, the Books of Samuel.