Kitsap Strong is a movement of more than 110 organizations that have come together to work on preventing childhood trauma and helping people – children and adults – who’ve experienced it. Through a collective effort called Kitsap Strong, these groups are working together to find creative ways to shift community dynamics in order to foster hope and self-healing.
Kitsap Strong also works to share new brain science with our community. Over the past five years, we’ve shared this information with over 7,600 people directly, and we estimate that well over 370,000 others have interacted with organizations and community groups that are studying this science with Kitsap Strong and making changes to their services. Dozens of organizations have made dramatic changes in the way they interact with their clients because of a new understanding of how trauma impacts the brain and what we all need to feel safe, connected, seen, and heard.
Kitsap Strong helps people prevent and overcome childhood trauma by:
· Creating school and life success
· Working with organizations to create a culture of empathy and connection
· Promoting nutrition and physical health · Sharing new science about our brains and our bodies
· Neighbors supporting one another
Thank you for helping us make Kitsap STRONG!